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How the Placebo Effect Changes Your Life
Placebos work. They work because our health, both physical and mental, is heavily influenced by what we think and believe. Here's how placebos change your life.
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What is Choice Blindness and How it Impacts Your Life
Choice blindness impact your life to a great degree. It is important to realize what choice blindness is and how it works - so that you can be aware of it and it's effect on your life.
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It's Counterproductive to Suppress Your Negative Thoughts. Here's Why.
Will suppressing your negative or any other thoughts help you or make it worse? These studies show surprising findings!
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Why do We Have Wars and What is the Meaning of Violence?
Why is there violence in this world and why is violence necessary from a spiritual perspective? Are both wars and violence helping our growth?
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Are You Making Too Many Decisions for Your Own Good?
Is there such a thing as decision fatigue and what is it? You can make too many decisions in one day and get depleted - here's how to fix this!
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3 Common Myths About Spirituality Worth Questioning
There is a lot of advice in the spirituality and self help circles that may do us more harm than good if taken for granted. Here we'll explore 3 common myths that you need to question for yourself.
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How Can We Create and Experience a Life of More Abundance?
How can we experience a life of more abundance, especially if what we are experiencing lots of scarcity right now? Here's how to think about scarcity and how to invite more abundance into your life.
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5 Most Common Misconceptions About LOA
The law of attraction works all the time. Often times, people think it doesn't work for them even if it does for others, or that it works a certain way it doesn't... Here are 5 common misconceptions about LoA.
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5 Ways to Use LOA to Enjoy an Abundant Social Life
The law of attraction works - whether you believe in it or not. Here's 5 ways you can use LoA to attract a perfect social circle.
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