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5 Things that are Costing You Your Happiness
We are often making ourselves feel miserable just because we think it's the right way to go about things. But it's not. Here are 5 things that you do to drain yourself of energy and happiness, that you can stop doing right now.
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9 Signs that You are a Fringe Dweller
Fringe Dwellers are people who don’t fit the norm. I say they are not hippy revolutionaries living rough, or social weirdoes; the one’s I speak of are ordinary people, you can’t tell them apart from others. It’s their minds that are different. They don’t relate to the rules and regulations of the status quo, the rhythms of a tick-tock life leaves them uninspired and listless. ~Stuart Wilde
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7 Top Affirmations to Repeat Every Day (video)
These are some of the best affirmations you will find - and you should repeat them to yourself at least twice every day, until they are so ingrained in you that you believe in them with your full being.
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7 Pieces of Wisdom from Oprah Winfrey (video)
We choose what we believe in, and in turn that leads to how we act, what we pay attention to, etc. That is called our mindset. Oprah has one of the the strongest mindsets geared for success that lets her be so successful. Here are 7 quotes that show how her mind works!
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7 Things to Remember When You're Feeling Stuck in Life (video)
When you feel stuck, everything seems bleak. We feel less joy in life because we feel powerless. Still, there are steps you can take right now to get unstuck, and we list seven of them in this article.
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10 Toxic Things You Need to Drop Out of Your Life Right Now (video)
Stop thinking of life in terms of what you need to add to it. There is only so much space. Drop these 10 toxic things and your life will immediately become better as a result.
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10 Smart Ways to Practice Self Care (video)
Taking care of yourself is something that needs to be done on a daily basis. We can only do so much for our grand vision without treating ourselves every so often, at least a little bit. Here are 10 ways to practice self care.
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10 Words You Should Be Using Every Day (video)
Choose the words you speak to yourself and to others wisely, because they have significant impact on your life. Here are 10 words you should be using every day.
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7 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Desires Effortlessly (video)
The truth is that the law of attraction is an alternative way of looking at the world, albeit one that grants us a lot of personal power when used correctly. Here are 7 steps to use LoA to its full advantage and start manifesting effortlessly.
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