"Chocolate comes from cocoa, which comes out of a tree. That makes it a plant. Therefore, chocolate counts as salad. The end."
Does the very thought of cutting sugar out of your daily diet make you hyperventilate, frantically race around the kitchen gathering up all sources of sugar and hiding them so no one can take them away from you?
If you said yes, you are a sugar or chocolate addict and this article is for you.
Addictions are not only extremely harmful, but very hard to break. If you think about a smoker who has set a quit date, days leading up to that date will have this addict chain smoking cigarettes, anxiety will set in and they’ll be freaking out. The one thing you have known and loved for most of your life will be gone forever.
You know it’s bad for you though. You know you must end this addiction. You know all the good that will come out of this relationship break up. But you also know it isn’t going to be easy to end your sugar craving.
Not all sugar is bad. Sugar in its natural form, from fruits, vegetables and milk is perfectly healthy. The added sugar found in cakes and cookies and donuts and chocolate bars (the drooling has just begun), however, is not so good for you.
We’ve eaten this stuff all our life. We love it. We need it! How are we supposed to give this up?
It’s our guilty little pleasure and we love to satisfy our sugar and chocolate addiction. It is a pleasure that is oh so bad for you.
You’ve made the decision to either reduce or completely eliminate your sugar intake and break up with chocolate. Bravo! But how do you do it without ending up in the corner of the room in a curled up little ball crying for Nutella?
Well maybe these 6 tips can help you end your sugar/chocolate cravings.
1. The abrupt stop or better known as “cold turkey”.

I didn’t say this was going to be easy remember and though cold turkey may not be for everyone there are those determined type individuals that have the all or nothing attitude. If you are one of them, try this method. It may take a day or two of going through some nasty withdrawals, but the rewards will be great.
2. Wean yourself off.
The gentle, and somewhat, easier method.
Instead of having that huge piece of chocolate cake after dinner why not replace it with a small piece of dark chocolate? Your taste buds don’t know the difference and neither does your brain. They just want something sweet. They never specified what they wanted. Need a mid-afternoon sweet treat? Grab a banana.
3. Everything in moderation.
If you were one of those people that consumed copious amounts of artificial sugar throughout the day why not make a little schedule for yourself?
Instead of having a donut at 3:00 pm, chew a piece of gum instead. Cookies after lunch? Not this time. Talk yourself out of this craving. It will eventually pass. Schedule times you can have your sugary treats. This way it will be a reward.
4. Breathe it out.
Try a nice relaxing breathing technique. Remember this is an addiction you are trying to conquer. If you take a few minutes to breathe in and out, the craving will pass. Trust me.
Next time you desperately want that butterscotch syrup covered bowl of ice cream, sit down, close your eyes and breathe. The results will amaze you.
5. Eat more!
That may sound silly but so many of us use the excuse that we don’t have time to eat during the day so we justify grabbing a muffin or donut at the local coffee shop.
If you eat healthy snacks throughout the day, you are less likely to grab that sugary treat. Keep a snack bag of mixed nuts in your desk drawer.
Allergic to nuts? Then throw some fruit in your purse or lunch bag. Hey, why not fill your lunch bag with all kinds of healthy treats. Don’t carry a lunch bag? It’s time to start.
Also read: 7 Ways to Control Your Hunger.
6. Journal your cravings.
Keep a pad and pen close by. Every time you feel the need to reach for a sugary treat, write down what’s going on in your life at that time.
A lot of us are emotional eaters and because of this, we tend to crave the foods that are not so good for us. When you journal your cravings, often you will discover that they happened at a time you were stressed or sad.
Research other tools to help you get over these emotional times. There are healthier ways to deal with negative emotions.
We know one thing for certain, the internet is abundant with websites that will tell you just how bad sugar is for you. Take heed. Your body will thank you for it.
How have you handled your sugar cravings? Share your tips below. Someone pass me an apple, please.