Manifest money with the law of attraction and the power of your mind using this powerful and unique mind penetrating guided meditation.

- Do you want to manifest money into your life?
- Have you been trying to use the law of attraction to manifest money without success?
- Do you find yourself thinking negatively, wondering if YOU really can manifest money or not?
- Do you want to manifest money more naturally, just as an extension of who you are and your natural, positive daily thoughts?
This album is part of our law of attraction meditation collection. Unlike our core album, this session specifically focuses ONLY on money. It takes you on a guided, visual journey within your own mind to help you to manifest money more naturally.
If you have tried to manifest money without success then this guided meditation is for you. It is likely you are doing the right things "on the surface", i.e. thinking positively, taking action, making a wishlist (maybe even writing a check to yourself from the universe).
The real issue however lies deeper - it lies within your mind and in your beliefs about what is possible. The problem is that you think positively and take action on the surface, you deep down you don't really believe.. there are doubts that it is really possible to just manifest money - and while these doubts exist then they will actually stop you from attracting money.
But this is exactly what our album has been designed to do - to remove the negative beliefs and doubts within your mind specifically about your ability to attract money, and to align your subconscious thoughts positively so you are completely focused on bringing real money into your physical life.
You really can dramatically increase your chances by using your whole mind to attract money into your life. This album helps in two main ways, you will:
1. Believe in YOUR ability to attract money
Primarily this album will instill within you a rock solid belief in your ability to use the law of attraction to bring you money. This is the essential foundation for success and simply believing 100% will produce results.
This change, when made properly, on a deeper, subconscious level will dramatically increase your manifestation results.
2. Know money is coming to you
You will manifest more naturally..
The foundation of core belief is essential for this next step.
Rather than practicing manifestation and HOPING money will come to you (but subtly doubting it), you will simply KNOW money is coming. You will put your intentions out into the universe and you will take action, and you will simply KNOW that you will manifest the money you deserve.
Thinking like this is when belief really powers your manifestations. Knowing and manifesting from confidence and belief like this is when things really start to happen. You will ask for money, you will aim to manifest it and it will come much more naturally.
Most people who have tried to use the law of attraction, and failed, have only used it at the conscious level of the mind. For the law of attraction to truly work you need to reach the subconscious mind.
With the help of this guided meditation you will be able to reach your subconscious mind using the combination of meditation, and guided visualization.
What to Expect
The first section of this album will help you to relax your body and mind at a deep level, in order for you to reach your subconscious mind. This prepares your mind for the law of attraction to work.
You will then go on a mind journey to a small lake with a waterfall to help you stay aligned with your unconscious mind.
You will then journey to a special cave where you meet a special woman who helps you release the power of your mind to attract more money into your life. You will be given a gift to use every day to increase this power.
Short Term
One of the first things you will notice is just how tense you've been over the last few months and years. You will relax at a very deep level and open your mind to new possibilities.
You will feel more and more aligned internally with your thoughts, and you will start to see coincidences and money manifestations. You will just feel it, you will know money is coming.
Long Term
You beliefs will solidify and this is when you manifest simply knowing you will see the result. This is where you will really start to see money, wealth and abundance manifesting in your daily life - and you will really feel it too, you will feel things aligning for you, falling into place and then money coming your way.
Gain greater focus, alignment and belief with this world unique guided meditation and start to manifest real money in your life, TODAY!