Combine the power of guided mediation and the law of attraction and you can attract money into your life and bring more luck to your door

- Do you find that you never win money?
- Do you believe you don't have any luck?
- Do you find yourself saying 'I never win anything'?
- Would you like to attract money wins in your life and see results in a few weeks?
How on earth is it possible to attract money wins in your life? Well, I believe you can use the power of your mind to do almost anything, including winning money.
Winning money is not pure luck, winning money is about being open to the possibility that you can attract money into your life. If you believe deep down that you can win money using the power of your mind, you are more open to taking the opportunities that will help you to win money.
You have an energy that goes way beyond your body, way beyond your mind, and can even cross thousands of miles to touch someone on the other side of the world. That is not science fiction. Science has shown that we can use our minds to reach people thousands of miles away, and this is how you can win money by expanding your energy.
In this guided meditation you will be able to:
- Win money using the power of the law of attraction and your mind. If you are open to the possibility and believe it can be done you are ready to win money.
- Project your energy in order to win money. When you are closed to the idea of winning money, your money energy will stay close to your physical body, when you are open to it, your energy can touch someone on the other side of the world.
- Go into a deep relaxing state of mind. Relaxation is essential for your success of winning money, it will help to keep your mind open to the possibility.
- Believe in the power of the law of attraction. If you don't believe in it, it won't work. We will give you the belief required for you to attract money into your life.
If I told you there is a way to win money, 100% guaranteed, would you stop to question me about how it all works or would you tell me to show you how to do it? Strange as it may seem, most people opt to know how it works before trying it.
Your mind energy touches thousands of people every day, presenting you with untold opportunities if only you were open to the idea. This meditation aims to open your mind to the possibility of winning money by way of meditation, guided visualization and the principles of the law of attraction
What to Expect
The first section of this album will give a full mind-body relaxation session, making you feel more relaxed than you may have felt for a long time.
The next section will see you taking a journey to a woodland park to help you reach your subconscious mind, in order to be open to the idea of winning money.
It is here you will meet a mysterious woman who will show you something unique that will drastically increase your chances of winning money. She will give you a gift for you to use every day to increase your chances.
Short Term
The first section of this album will give a full mind-body relaxation session, making you feel more relaxed than you may have felt for a long time.
The next section will see you taking a journey to a woodland park to help you reach your subconscious mind, in order to be open to the idea of winning money.
It is here you will meet a mysterious woman who will show you something unique that will drastically increase your chances of winning money. She will give you a gift for you to use every day to increase your chances.
Long Term
You will start to notice more and more wins coming into your life, and by that I mean money coming to you in an unexpected way, whether it be finding money on the ground, or receiving large cheques through the post, or winning a car in a competition.
If you are open and ready to win money in your life, then download this unique guided meditation today and win your first small amount within a few weeks.