Dramatically increase your success in life by becoming more grateful for the things you already have in life.

- Do you sometimes resent people who seem to be more successful than you?
- Do you find yourself thinking a lot about what you don't have in life?
- Have you ever wondered why some people just seem to get things easy in life?
- Do you ever ask yourself why some people who seem to be worse of than you are so happy?
- Would you like to increase your levels of happiness, and attract people to you by being more grateful?
Recently scientists have begun to chart a course of research aimed at understanding gratitude and the circumstances in which it flourishes or diminishes. They’re finding that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of benefits: Stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure; Higher levels of positive emotions; More joy, optimism, and happiness; Acting with more generosity and compassion; Feeling less lonely and isolated.
It seems quite unbelievable that taking a few minutes out of our day to practice gratitude can make a dramatic difference in all aspects of your life, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. But science has shown this to be the case with lots of studies done on the benefits of gratitude.
Think about how you feel when someone genuinely appreciates you for the things you do, it could be at work, at home, or even a small thank you from a child. It stops you in your tracks for a few minutes and makes you feel great.
By practicing the art of gratitude in your life, you will see a dramatic shift in your perspective on life by feeling calmer, more relaxed, more appreciative of the people around you, and attract more of the people you need in your life.
The 'Be More Grateful' Guided Meditation will help you:
- Appreciate the people around you if we are truly honest we take the people around us for granted. When we learn the skill of gratitude we will begin to see people in a different way and connect with them at a deeper level.
- Let go of resentment Being resentful is a negative emotion which affects our mental and physical health. When you listen tot this album you will let go of that resentment and realise that people who seem more successful have a lot to teach you in life.
- Feel healthier The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California have shown that people who are truly grateful in life have stronger immune system and lower blood pressure.
- Attract people to you When you practice gratitude you are sending out positive energy that will attract people that can help you in every area of your life.
By learning to become more grateful in life your life can literally change beyond recognition and help you feel more positive, more hopeful, and more prosperous in every way.
What to Expect
There are three stages to each of our guided meditations.
In the first stage of 'Be More Grateful' you will go through a deep mind and body relaxation exercise, which will set you up for the next stage.
The next stage will see you walking through a beautiful woodland area in the heart of nature. It is here you will meet a wise man.
In the final stage you will have a life changing conversation with the wise man who will help you see the true benefits of gratitude.
Short Term
On first listening to this guided meditation you will notice a feeling a deep calm and serenity surrounding you. Your energy will have shifted and you feel more lighter, more happy and more content.
After a week or so, you will start to notice that other people are seeing you differently and may even comment on your change in energy. You will also start to notice little 'coincidences' that lead you to where you need to be or you are given things that you have thought about without asking.
Long Term
The more you listen to and practice the teachings in this guided meditation you will see a dramatic shift in your life. By practicing gratitude every day and making a habit of it, you will have attracted the people you need in your life to get to where you want to be. You will have that relaxed, calm and serene feeling surrounding you all the time and life seems to be a lot easier.
The art of gratitude is a powerful tool that should not be underestimated. Download this album today to realise just how powerful and magical this can be in your life.